The web is fundamentally changing. The many facets of this change are usually abstracted as Web 2.0. The core of Web 2.0 consists of the evolutionary step that interoperation and content-creating applications are provided via the web in addition to traditional static documents. Ahead of this evolution are web operating systems (WebOS) like g.ho.st that enable the consumer to migrate their complete operating system desktop to the web – a revolutionary step of personal computing. The required computational and storage resources may be procured on demand e.g. from cloud computing services by the WebOS service provider. This research-in-progress-article introduces an adoption model (TAM) for a WebOS as a consumer service. The subject of our survey will be a service bundle comparable to a mobile phone plan. The aim of the adoption model is to measure the acceptance of this service bundle and to identify the major determinants which influence the consumer’s adoption intention in order to specify which consumers may be future customers and to learn how to attract them from a marketing perspective. At the current early stage of adoption we intend to contribute insights that can be directly transformed into advice how this new technology can be successfully established.
Recommended Citation
Messerschmidt, Christian M. and Lilienthal, Markus, "Acceptance of a Web OS as a Commercial Consumer Service Bundle" (2010). ECIS 2010 Proceedings. 89.