
The popularity of social virtual worlds (SVWs) stems from the proficiency of designing appealing

activities. In a volitional use context, hedonic outcomes, such as pleasure and enjoyment, along with

social interactivity are fundamental attitudinal beliefs fostering the success of SVW. As such, the

attitudinal beliefs affecting attitude toward using SVWs with multiple functions is worth studying. The

practitioners should however focus on the actual behavioural success factors beyond using SVWs.

Using Habbo as an example, this study paper develops a research framework and examines how

attitude toward using SVWs mediates Habbo goers’ attitudinal beliefs on the actual behavioural

incentives. Based on a review of prior literature a decomposed theory of planned behaviour suggested

by Taylor and Todd (1995) is employed. The research model is tested with data collected from 1225

active Habbo goers. The main findings of the study suggest that while the Habbo goers desire for

social interaction within Habbo the construct of attitude toward using the service fails to reflect it.

This indicates that following the omission of discovering the proper attitudinal beliefs behind the

actual behavioural factors investments may well be lost
