Reconceptualising the information system as a service


The study will cross-fertilise Information Systems (IS) and Services Marketing ideas through

reconceptualising the information system as a service (ISaaS). The study addresses known

limitations of arguably the two most significant dependent variables in these disciplines -

Information System Success or IS-Impact, and Service Quality. Planned efforts to synthesise

analogous conceptions across these disciplines, are expected to force a deeper theoretical

understanding of the broad notions of success, quality, value and satisfaction and their

interrelations. The aims of this research are to: (1) yield a conceptually superior and more

extensively validated IS success measurement model, and (2) develop and operationalise a

more rigorously validated Service Quality measurement model, while extending the ‘service’

notion to ‘operational computer-based information systems in organisations’. In the

development of the new models the study will address contemporary validation issues.

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