
P Sobreperez


This paper suggests that issues surrounding non-compliance should not be dismissed as resistance but

instead should be further studied by managers and developers, leading to accommodation of differing

views. The technological frames of reference strand of social shaping of technology theory is used to

overlay the issues arising from a case study looking at non-compliance with information systems.

This procedure highlights underlying antecedent organizational conditions which are likely to

underpin non-compliant behaviour. These antecedent conditions include acceptance, control and

proceduralisation. Examination shows that change in these areas is within the remit of managers and

yet noncompliance continues and is accepted by managers. This raises the question not of why or how

these behaviours exist, but why they continue to exist in the light of their unmasking and exposure.

This paper suggests that non-compliance should not be dismissed as resistance but should addressed

by managers and developers leading to a skeleton or framework for understanding problems and

developing organisationally aligned solutions.
