
Involving in more interactions with the IT artifact, users may develop a relationship with the IT and even engage in voluntary contributions to the IT. In this study, we propose a new consequence of such human-IT relationship, technology extra-role behavior (TERB) to denote such voluntary contributions from the users. Drawing on the extra-behavior literature, we develop a comprehensive typology of TERB and conceive of it as having four dimensions: feedback and cooperation, advocates and endorsement, helping other users, and voluntary financial payment. In this study, we explore users’ connection to the TERB in a specific type of human-IT relationship, psychological ownership of IT (POIT). Built on the overarching framework of psychological ownership, we construct a conceptual model to depict why users are willing to contribute voluntarily with the perceived possession of an IT and how to design the IT to incubate this perception. Anticipated contributions and implications are discussed.

Abstract Only
