
This paper uses a laboratory experiment to analyze the influence of non-IT-related coping, IT-related emotional- and problem-focused coping on exhaustion and end-user performance. We provide insights how technostress is related to skin conductance response (SCR) and capture data by drawing up on that neurobiological objective measurement. Thereby, we measure exhaustion by SCR and end-user performance objectively in terms of task fulfillment in different treatment groups. Results of several ANOVAs reveal that the skin conductance level significantly increases while working with stressful technologies. Furthermore, users with non-coping are more exhausted and perform lower than those who use coping mechanisms. In detail, users with problem-focused coping are less exhausted and performed better than users who apply non-coping, whereupon emotional-focused coping indicates the same exhaustion and performance level as non-coping. Moreover, within a post hoc analysis we compare the effect of emotional- and problem-focused coping and analyze their moderation effects on the relationship between stressor and exhaustion as well as stressor and end-user performance.
