
The advertising ecosystem has grown and adapted to the advancements in technology over time. Unprecedented developments in artificial intelligence (AI) technology have huge impacts on advertising. Four main processes of advertising, capturing consumer insights, designing new advertisements, planning and buying media, and measuring the impact and effectiveness have benefited from advents in AI. Hence, it is crucial to acknowledge the influence and application of AI in advertising, as well as keep up-to-date with the latest trends and issues in this field. To this end, a thorough systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted to explore studies published between 2005 and 2023 that delve into the role and evolution of AI in advertising. The review specifically targeted programmatic, computational, and intelligent advertising in the literature. The study findings not only highlight current research topics in AI advertising, but also emerging areas such as manipulated advertising, Generative AI, and consumer concerns, including ethical issues.
