
Business intelligence & analytical (BI&A) implementation success depends on the interplay between CSFs-in-context. One persistent criticism of work in IS implementation has been the neglect of exploring implementation CSFs within a multi-layered context. Findings from a case study at a large banking organization in South Africa suggest that an adequate analysis of business intelligence and analytics implementation involves interweaving a CSF analysis with the distinctive features of its multi-layered context. This includes the bank’s intraorganizational context and the IS and BI setting (inner-context) and the broader socioeconomic and political context (outer-context) as domains of analysis. The evidence shows that the actions and interactions of organizational members involved in the BI implementation were being shaped and constrained by the dynamics within these contexts – in particular, coping with complex contextual challenges exerted increasing demands on the implementation team. The ability of the implementation team to overcome these situational demands was at best mixed and the success of the BI implementation therefore varied from unit to unit within the bank. Practitioners should sharpen their problem-solving skills by assessing CSFs within the unique situations they encounter. Future case study research should provide an explicit description and analysis of CSFs-in-context to deepen our understanding of effective BI&A implementations.
