
Achieving success in Information Systems (IS) projects is a challenge. Managers and their teams need to take into account the schedule, budget, quality and other important dimensions of project management, together with many organizational variables and aspects related to information technology. Project management guides, standards and methodologies (e.g., PMBOK, PM2, etc.) are valuable in this context; however, they do not present specific processes and activities to manage success during all the life cycle of a project. The lack of a clear definition of success or ways of evaluating it, can shift the focus of project management away from what is actually important to stakeholders. This absence of success management activities in project management standards and guides may also lead project managers to evaluate success with ad hoc and informal processes. This research addresses this problem, aiming to detail the activities required to manage success in IS projects and present an integration model of success management with project management guides and standards. This paper presents the context, the method and some initial results of the research.
