
Recently, the sharing economy continued growing and creating new business models (BMs) and in turn, generating new challenges for traditional business models. As existing studies usually compare sharing economy business models versus more traditional ones in the accommodation sector, this study aims to explore differences of accommodation sector shared economy business models. This study used a comparative analysis following a framework of Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010). The data on two shared economy business models (global Airbnb and local Trumpam.lt) was collected from secondary sources. The findings indicate that the analysed BM of Airbnb ensures their success in comparison with local company’s BM. The main differences involve many components of BM such as segments, value propositions, customer relationships, communication channels, key activities, partners, revenue streams, and costs. This study offers a starting point for accommodation sector researchers to contribute to the shared economy business models. Future research may include interviews with sharing economy company’s founders and provide a more detailed case analysis.
