Business & Information Systems Engineering
Big Digital Platforms
Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Oliver Hinz, and Christof Weinhardt
Research Papers
Guided Interaction Exploration and Performance Analysisin Artifact-Centric Process Models
Maikel L. Eck and Wil M. P. van der Aalst
Hearing the Voice of Citizens in Smart City Design: The CitiVoiceFramewor
Anthony Simonofski, Estefanı ́a Serral Asensio, Monique Snoeck, and Johannes De Smedt
Analytics-as-a-service, Automated analytics, Data analytics, Experimental study, Novices
Bart Baesens
Towards Confirmatory Process Discovery: Making AssertionsAbout the Underlying System
Benoıˆt Depaire and Gert Janssenswillen
State of the Art
Framing Microgrid Design from a Business and InformationSystems Engineering Perspective
Thomas Sachs, Gilbert Fridgen, Anna Gründler, and Milos Rusic
Blockchain Token Sale, Economic and Technological Foundations
LMU Munich Kranz, Esther Nagel, and Youngjin Yoo
Doing a Doctorate in BISE in Germany, Austria and Switzerland?A Debate on the Why, What and How
Jan Marco Leimeister, Jörg Becker, Armin Heinzl, Robert Winter, and D Gefen
Call for Papers
Energy Informatics
Philipp Staudt, Sebastian Lehnhoff, and Richard T. Watson