Business & Information Systems Engineering
Information Systems and Culture - The World Might Be Flat, but It Is Culturally Rich
Armin Heinzl and Dorothy E. Leidner
Editorial Note
Changes in the Editorial Board
Hans Ulrich Buhl
Research Papers
Raising and Rising Voices in Social Media - A Novel Methodological Approach in Studying Cyber-Collective Movements
Nitin Agarwal, Merlyna Lim, and Rolf T. Wigand
Self-disclosure and Privacy Calculus on Social Networking Sites: The Role of Culture - Intercultural Dynamics of Privacy Calculus
Hanna Krasnova, Natasha F. Veltri, and Oliver Günther
Analyzing and Managing the Impact of Cultural Behavior Patterns on Social Capital in Multinational IT Project Teams - A Case Study Approach
Alexander von Stetten, Daniel Beimborn, and Tim Weitzel
Alignment of Divergent Organizational Cultures in IT Public-Private Partnerships
Oliver Marschollek and Roman Beck
Larissa Hammon and Hajo Hippner