
Business & Information Systems Engineering


Editor-in-Chief: Oliver Hinz

The journal Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) has its roots in the journal WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, which became the central publication of the German-language BISE community during the last 60 years.

The journal’s self-conception is to be the central publication of the fast growing and coalescing international BISE community. Therefore, BISE provides a unique platform for high quality design science-oriented research and addresses all techno-economically oriented readers and authors.

To submit an article for consideration, please use our online review system.

Current Issue: Volume 66, Issue 3 (2023)



Reimagining Digital Health
Ali Sunyaev, Daniel Fürstenau, and Elizabeth Davidson

Research Papers


Trust in Public and Private Providers of Health Apps and Usage Intentions
Björn Binzer, Jennifer Kendziorra, Anne-Katrin Witte, and Till J. Winkler


How Artificial Intelligence Challenges Tailorable Technology Design
Pascal Fechner, Fabian König, Jannik Lockl, and Maximilian Röglinger


Designing Virtual Coaching Solutions
Hannes Schlieter, Kai Gand, Thure Georg Weimann, Emanuel Sandner, Karl Kreiner, Steffen Thoma, Jin Liu, Massimo Caprino, Massimo Corbo, Agnese Seregni, Peppino Tropea, Rocio Del Pino, Juan Carlos Gómez Esteban, Inigo Gabilondo, Andreea Elena Lacraru, and Stefan Sebastian Busnatu

State of the Art


Precision Digital Health
Aaron Baird and Yusen Xia



Digital Surveillance in Organizations
Thomas Griesold, Stefan Seidel, Markus Heck, and Nicholas Berente