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Business analytics (BA) has been highlighted over the past decade as a critical tool for improving organizations’ decision-making. Despite a heavy research focus on the relationship between BA and firm performance, few studies have addressed dynamic managerial capabilities and how ambidextrous BA use contributes to better decision-making in organizations. To address these research gaps, the study proposes a theoretical model that investigates the antecedents and consequences of ambidextrous BA use. Dynamic managerial capabilities, as the antecedents, include paradoxical managerial cognition (integrative complexity and holistic thinking) and data literacy.

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Aug 16th, 12:00 AM

Unboxing BA Use to Enhance Decision-Making Effectiveness – Role of Managerial Capabilities

Business analytics (BA) has been highlighted over the past decade as a critical tool for improving organizations’ decision-making. Despite a heavy research focus on the relationship between BA and firm performance, few studies have addressed dynamic managerial capabilities and how ambidextrous BA use contributes to better decision-making in organizations. To address these research gaps, the study proposes a theoretical model that investigates the antecedents and consequences of ambidextrous BA use. Dynamic managerial capabilities, as the antecedents, include paradoxical managerial cognition (integrative complexity and holistic thinking) and data literacy.

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