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Users are increasingly facing security issues related to vulnerabilities in their information systems. In particular, users at the individual level have very limited security resources and thus have difficulty understanding vulnerabilities and countering those accordingly. This study aims to explore the influences of computer usage patterns and personal characteristics related to Big Five traits on User-induced System Vulnerability. In continuation, we plan to collect data on real vulnerabilities that have emerged in user’s information systems using a popular vulnerability scanner. A longitudinal survey is planned to collect users’ system vulnerability first, then personal traits and their computer usage patterns. We expect the empirical result of the study to shed light on exploring the antecedents of computer vulnerability from individual users' usage perspectives. This study aims to contribute to the security literature by providing a deeper understanding of user-related factors causing system vulnerabilities and ensuring users in protecting their system.

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Aug 16th, 12:00 AM

Effect of Computer Usage Pattern and its Interaction with Personal Characteristics on User-Induced System Vulnerability

Users are increasingly facing security issues related to vulnerabilities in their information systems. In particular, users at the individual level have very limited security resources and thus have difficulty understanding vulnerabilities and countering those accordingly. This study aims to explore the influences of computer usage patterns and personal characteristics related to Big Five traits on User-induced System Vulnerability. In continuation, we plan to collect data on real vulnerabilities that have emerged in user’s information systems using a popular vulnerability scanner. A longitudinal survey is planned to collect users’ system vulnerability first, then personal traits and their computer usage patterns. We expect the empirical result of the study to shed light on exploring the antecedents of computer vulnerability from individual users' usage perspectives. This study aims to contribute to the security literature by providing a deeper understanding of user-related factors causing system vulnerabilities and ensuring users in protecting their system.

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