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What drives Open-Source Software (OSS) development communities to participate in Blockchain projects? Developer participation incentives in OSS are well studied but the nature of this incentive changes with a novel addition of the token or cryptocurrency. This longitudinal study followed nearly 6,000 OSS blockchain projects, their prices, and developer movements throughout 2020. We find that asset price does impact developer interest and contributions. We find lagged price movements of tokens statistically significant in later developer activity. Social aspects of developer interest are more complex and shift as we consider projects within different market cap strata. We find that lower profile blockchain projects benefit from both price movements and developer activity. Implications for managers include recruitment efforts and equity compensation.

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Aug 10th, 12:00 AM

Gold Rushes and Bandwagons: Blockchain’s Markets and Developers

What drives Open-Source Software (OSS) development communities to participate in Blockchain projects? Developer participation incentives in OSS are well studied but the nature of this incentive changes with a novel addition of the token or cryptocurrency. This longitudinal study followed nearly 6,000 OSS blockchain projects, their prices, and developer movements throughout 2020. We find that asset price does impact developer interest and contributions. We find lagged price movements of tokens statistically significant in later developer activity. Social aspects of developer interest are more complex and shift as we consider projects within different market cap strata. We find that lower profile blockchain projects benefit from both price movements and developer activity. Implications for managers include recruitment efforts and equity compensation.

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