SIG ASYS - Accounting Info Systems

The Accounting Information Systems track highlights research that focuses on the link between accounting and information systems, including topics that range from IT governance to interorganizational information systems and draws from a variety of disciplines like accounting, psychology, sociology, cognitive science, behavioral science, economics, politics, computer science, and information technology. The track considers papers from all research methods, including design science, behavioral, and archival.

Track Chairs:
Fiona Rohde, University of Queensland, Scott Boss, Bentley University,

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Wednesday, August 10th
12:00 AM

Genetic Algorithm-based Feature Selection for Auditing Decisions

Tao Yang, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Derek Nazareth, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Regulatory Facilitators and Impediments Impacting Cybersecurity Maturity

Jeffrey Proudfoot, Bentley University
Stuart Madnick, CAMS

12:00 AM