Paper Type
Despite a huge repository of work on enterprise systems (ES) that are widely used across different industries in the private sector, there is a scarcity of publications on this topic in the context of the public sector. Moreover, an assessment about the current research landscape on ES in the context of the public sector is virtually nonexistent. In this study, we address this gap by reviewing 31 academic papers on ES in the public sector. In our analysis, we examine the research focus, research approach and theoretical foundation. Then, by synthesizing the recommendations for the prospective projects, we propose several promising avenues for the future research. Overall, our literature review confirms that this research stream is still in its early stage and much more research efforts need to be dedicated.
Recommended Citation
Roztocki, Narcyz and Strzelczyk, Wojciech, "Enterprise Systems in the Public Sector: A Literature Review" (2020). AMCIS 2020 Proceedings. 23.
Enterprise Systems in the Public Sector: A Literature Review
Despite a huge repository of work on enterprise systems (ES) that are widely used across different industries in the private sector, there is a scarcity of publications on this topic in the context of the public sector. Moreover, an assessment about the current research landscape on ES in the context of the public sector is virtually nonexistent. In this study, we address this gap by reviewing 31 academic papers on ES in the public sector. In our analysis, we examine the research focus, research approach and theoretical foundation. Then, by synthesizing the recommendations for the prospective projects, we propose several promising avenues for the future research. Overall, our literature review confirms that this research stream is still in its early stage and much more research efforts need to be dedicated.
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