Business intelligence systems (BISs) have attracted the attention of decision makers, as these have a significant impact on forecasts of current and prospective views of the decision process in business operations. This impact will be realized only when BIS is used and spread widely. The literature suggests that more than 70% of BIS projects in organizations fail to achieve their expected returns and benefits. Therefore, BIS adoption has grown over the last decade. However, no prior studies have comprehensively discussed and compared BIS adoption determinants in both large companies and SMEs. Therefore, by using a systematic literature review (SLR), this study has presented comprehensive knowledge about the current domain of BISs’ adoption in large companies and SMEs. This paper also makes recommendations for future research. For the purpose of this study, a total of 76 studies published between 2009 and 2019 were selected.
Recommended Citation
Almusallam, Maryam and Chandran, Daniel, "Current and Prospective Views of the Adoption of BISs in Large Companies and SMEs" (2020). AMCIS 2020 Proceedings. 4.
Current and Prospective Views of the Adoption of BISs in Large Companies and SMEs
Business intelligence systems (BISs) have attracted the attention of decision makers, as these have a significant impact on forecasts of current and prospective views of the decision process in business operations. This impact will be realized only when BIS is used and spread widely. The literature suggests that more than 70% of BIS projects in organizations fail to achieve their expected returns and benefits. Therefore, BIS adoption has grown over the last decade. However, no prior studies have comprehensively discussed and compared BIS adoption determinants in both large companies and SMEs. Therefore, by using a systematic literature review (SLR), this study has presented comprehensive knowledge about the current domain of BISs’ adoption in large companies and SMEs. This paper also makes recommendations for future research. For the purpose of this study, a total of 76 studies published between 2009 and 2019 were selected.
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