
Serious games have helped users achieve learning outcomes in several disciplines by keeping them motivated to play and learn. However, some researches suggest that serious games were ineffective. Empirical evidence on the effectiveness of serious games is dearth in the literature. One reason is the lack of a solid evaluation framework. Calls have already been made for more theoretical contributions in this area. We respond to this call by studying the effectiveness of serious games from the perspective of task-technology model. To our knowledge, there has been no research evaluating serious games using this theory. A convenient student sample was asked to play a web-based game for 30 minutes learning about SQL, followed by a short survey. Results indicate a significant impact from perceived task-technology fit on perceived learning outcomes. This research contributes to both theory and practice and provides plans on how to extend this research for future work.



Studying the impact of a Serious Game on Students Learning Using Task-Technology Fit Model

Serious games have helped users achieve learning outcomes in several disciplines by keeping them motivated to play and learn. However, some researches suggest that serious games were ineffective. Empirical evidence on the effectiveness of serious games is dearth in the literature. One reason is the lack of a solid evaluation framework. Calls have already been made for more theoretical contributions in this area. We respond to this call by studying the effectiveness of serious games from the perspective of task-technology model. To our knowledge, there has been no research evaluating serious games using this theory. A convenient student sample was asked to play a web-based game for 30 minutes learning about SQL, followed by a short survey. Results indicate a significant impact from perceived task-technology fit on perceived learning outcomes. This research contributes to both theory and practice and provides plans on how to extend this research for future work.