Presenting Author

Toan Ong

Paper Type

Completed Research Paper


Online reviews have become a popular method for consumers to express personal evaluations and buyers to use as a source of product quality information in purchasing decisions. However, integrity of reputation systems is threatened by evidence about the prevalence of shill reviews. To understand the impact of shill reviews, an experiment was conducted to collect shill reviews and measure the impact of shill reviews on perceived product quality. The results showed positive shill reviews significantly increased quality perceptions of consumers for thinly reviewed products. This finding provides strong evidence about the risks of shill reviews and emphasizes the need to develop effective detection and prevention methods.



Product Reputation Manipulation: The Impact of Shill Reviews on Perceived Quality

Online reviews have become a popular method for consumers to express personal evaluations and buyers to use as a source of product quality information in purchasing decisions. However, integrity of reputation systems is threatened by evidence about the prevalence of shill reviews. To understand the impact of shill reviews, an experiment was conducted to collect shill reviews and measure the impact of shill reviews on perceived product quality. The results showed positive shill reviews significantly increased quality perceptions of consumers for thinly reviewed products. This finding provides strong evidence about the risks of shill reviews and emphasizes the need to develop effective detection and prevention methods.