Presenting Author

Pekka Makkonen

Paper Type

Completed Research Paper


At the University of Jyväskylä we ran the career path of ICT course for new information systems students during the first month of their studies. The course included expert lectures of ICT professionals representing the different aspects of ICT work. Additionally, the students were expected to discuss these issues in their assignment.

In this paper we clarify why and how we ran our career path course. In addition, we present how students’ motivation was developed during the course. According our results, the students were more motivated to study to a programmer’s, a system analyst’s, a project manager’s, and a system maintainer than to a job of a database designer, a data communications professional, and a web and multimedia designer. The result gives the guidelines to the next evaluation round of the information systems science curriculum at the University of Jyväskylä and other academic entities.



Career Paths Training for the First Year Students in Information Systems Science-Motivational view

At the University of Jyväskylä we ran the career path of ICT course for new information systems students during the first month of their studies. The course included expert lectures of ICT professionals representing the different aspects of ICT work. Additionally, the students were expected to discuss these issues in their assignment.

In this paper we clarify why and how we ran our career path course. In addition, we present how students’ motivation was developed during the course. According our results, the students were more motivated to study to a programmer’s, a system analyst’s, a project manager’s, and a system maintainer than to a job of a database designer, a data communications professional, and a web and multimedia designer. The result gives the guidelines to the next evaluation round of the information systems science curriculum at the University of Jyväskylä and other academic entities.