


Health IT is increasingly gaining significance within the IS community. This paper examines the current state of HealthInformation Exchange (HIE) research within the Information Systems (IS) discipline. Meta-data associated with 81 HIEarticles that were published in twelve broad-based IS journals between 2000 and 2010 were examined using content analysismethodology. Using a deducto-inductive approach, important clusters of HIE research topics were identified. The datashowed that IT technologies, health industry, theories, government issues, information management, patient records, ethicalissues, insurance industry and medical disclosure, medical services, hospital and personnel issues were the top rankedclusters of themes. Longitudinal trend analysis shows that researchers are now focusing more on HIE topics. While CACMjournal published nearly 46% of the overall articles published during 2000-2010, DSS published about 11% and EJISpublished 10% of the articles. We also analyzed dominance of the developed themes within the sampled journals.
