
Virtual Communities and Collaborations


As virtual teams are inherently heterogeneous and distributed in nature they have a greater tendency to fracture intosubgroups. Proper management of these subgroups is critical as they are often more detrimental than beneficial. Research thatsystematically examines subgroup formation is limited in identifying factors that influence the negative or positive impact ofsubgroups. To address this gap, we propose a new model based on Social Categorization Theory, Faultline Theory and thediversity literature. Our model takes into account the temporal impact of different cultural factors, namely surface and deeplevel culture diversity, with the alignment of other attributes on subgroup saliency. It also captures the interaction of varyinglevels of culture (national, organizational, functional) and their impact on subgroup dynamics. Additionally, the modelrepresents the norms of technology use as a mediator for the impact of subgroup saliency on team performance.
