
Virtual Communities and Collaborations


Podcasting which is one of the technologies that was found for personal entertainment or for information usage, has become one of the fastest growing technologies over the past several years (Shim, Shropshire, Park, Harris, and Campbell, 2007). Currently it is used for many different subjects, from music to technology, news to foreign languages, politics to education (Lazzari, 2009). This study attempts to identify and empirically assess the motivational factors, intrinsic and extrinsic, that drive users to adopt podcast. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is employed as the base model for this study and it is modified by adding motivational factors that affect the adoption of podcast. The model is tested via a survey that was developed for the aim of this study. The structural equation modeling was used to test the relationships and the results revealed that intrinsic motivational factors have a big effect on podcast adoption.
