
Global, International and Cultural Issues in IS


The problem of corruption has been universally acknowledged as a drain on a country’s developmental efforts.Anticorruption reform hitherto has focused on political corruption. Administrative corruption which citizens have tocontend with on a daily basis is only just beginning to attract attention. There have been various strategies, intensifyingonly recently, to stem the problem. Unfortunately in most of these countries corruption has remained stable ordeteriorated. Our research characterized corruption as a contracting problem between citizens (principals) and thebureaucrats (agents). Using transaction cost economics we hypothesized that technology is necessary in dealing with theproblem of coordination and transparency and ensuring arms-length relationships which reduces opportunities forcorrupt behavior between the two groups of actors. We used a sample of 46 countries from a geographical region deemedto be battling the scourge of corruption as indicated by Transparency International’s CPI rankings. The results of ourmodel using partial least square modeling suggest that indeed Information and Communication pervasiveness in acountry determines the level of corruption in a country. Technology achieves this by promoting transparency which isnecessary in any anticorruption endeavor.
