Welcome from the Program Chairs
Welcome to AMCIS 2009. We are grateful to you for making the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems a success. Your contributions and participation as program committee members, track chairs, mini-track chairs, authors, reviewers, presenters and session chairs are laudable.
For more information about the program and paper acceptance rates, please click here

Kenneth E. Kendall
Rutgers University

Upkar Varshney
Georgia State University
Submissions from 2009
Business Process Assessment and Evaluation in Public Administrations using Activity Based Costing
Extraction of Key Phrases from Biomedical Full Text with Supervised Learning Techniques
On The Study of Establishing a Responsive Infrastructure for a Massively Multiplayer On-Line Game, Robert Aboolian, Yi Sun, and Jack Leu
ICT in Regional Networks in the Field of Culture and Development Cooperation, Imad Abugessaisa and Ake Sivertun
A Fuzzy Control Language Approach for Landscape Dependent Application Evaluations, Jan Stefan Addicks
Crisis Response and IT Use Literature Review and Suggestions for Future Research, Anouck Adrot and Jessie Pallud
Leveraging Relationships with Web 2.0 Consumer Communities as a Strategic Capability, Nitin Aggarwal and Leslie Albert
eGovernment for Low Socio-Economic Status, Niv Ahituv
Context Based Knowledge Management in Healthcare: An EA Approached, Kamran Ahsan, Paul Kingston, and Hanifa Shah
Improving Project Management Through a Shared Understanding of Project Risk and Return, Haya Ajjan
The Role of Gender in Students’ Decisions to Major in Information Systems, Asli Yagmur Akbulut and Jaideep Motwani
Re-examining the Status of "IT" in IT Research - An Update on Orlikowski and Iacono (2001), Saeed Akhlaghpour, Jing Wu, Liette Lapointe, and Alain Pinsonneault
Reframing as Positive Design: An Exemplar from the Office of Civil Registry in Mexico, Macedonio Alanis, Julie E. Kendall, and Kenneth E. Kendall
Towards the Development of a Team Learning Theory for Information Systems: Implications for Universities, Academics, and Academic Developers, Rozz Albon and Tony Jewels
Factors Influencing eGovernment Progress in Oman: An Employee's Perspective, Moaman Al-Busaidy, Vishanth Weerakkody, and Yogesh K. Dwivedi
Cultual Aspects of Multi-Channel Customer Management: A UK Case Study, Maged Ali and Laurence Brooks
The Impact of National Culture on eGovernment Implementation: A Comparison Case Study, Maged Ali, Vishanth Weerakkody, and Ramzi El-Haddadeh
A Framework for Assessing Knowledge Sharing Risks in Interorganizational Networks, Ruba Aljafari and Surendra Sarnikar
How the Website Usability Elements Impact Performance, Muhammad Aljukhadar and Sylvain Senecal
A Cost Benefit Calculator for RFID Implementations in the Apparel Retail Industry, Jasser Al-Kassab, Nezar Mahmoud, Frederic G. Thiesse, and Elgar Fleisch
Uso de TIC en la Empresa Mexicana: El correo electronico, la Intranet y el Telefono Celular, Rodrigo Sandoval Almazan
Investigating the Adoption of eGovernment Services in Qatar Using the UTAUT Model, Shafi Al-Shafi, Vishanth Weerakkody, and Marijn Janssen
Mapping the Domain of Service Science, Steven Alter
Project Collaboration, not just User Participation, Steven Alter
The Work System Method: Progress to Date, Extensions Related to Service Concepts and Challenges for the Future, Steven Alter
Leadership in Virtual Teams: The Case for Emotional Intelligence, Paul Ambrose, John Chenoweth, and En Mao
Coordination in Open Source versus Commercial Software Development, Chintan Amrit
A Framework for Examining the Building of ICT Capacity in Developing Nations: Role of Cultural and Institution, Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo, K. Niki Kunene, and Babajide Osatuyi
Installed Base in Service Innovation: The Case of Intelligent Speed Adaption, Lena Andreasson
Modeling Time Allocation to Leisure and Travel, Pavel Andreev, Nava Pliskin, and Tsipi Heart
Data Modeling Patterns: A Method and Evaluation, Solomon Anthony and Vidya Mellarkod
Made in China: ERP Post-Implementation Performance in the Chinese Manufacturing Industry, Chadi Aoun, Savanid Vatanasakdakul, and Chen Yu
HIPAA Compliance: An Institutional Theory Perspective, Ajit Appari, M. Eric Johnson, and Denise L. Anthony
Information Technology and Organizational Efficiency: A Study in the Capital Goods Sector, Giuseppe Arpino, Cesar Alexandre de Souza, and Ronaldo Zwicker
The Asymmetric Nature of Decision Errors in Multi-Criteria, Satisficing Decisions, Irit Askira Gelman
ICT Assimilation in Ethiopian Institutions, Temtim Assefa, Solomon Negash, and Donald L. Amoroso
Ethical Moments Within The Soft Information Systems & Technologies Methodology (SISTeM), Christopher Atkinson and Laurence Brooks
An Expert System for Weed Management in Winter Wheat, Alireza Atri and Mahboobeh Partovi
Examining the Success Factors of ICT Projects in Developing Nations: A Case Study of AB Networks, Millicent Atsu, Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo, Babajide Osatuyi, and Kwasi Amoako-Gyampah
Evaluation of Web Accessibility and Usability from Blind User’s Perspective: The Context of Online Assessment, Rakesh Babu and Rahul Singh
Understanding Blind Users' Accessibility and Usability Problems in an Online Task, Rakesh Babu and Rahul Singh
Ontology Editing Tools: State of the Art, Zelalem Bachore
A Critical Review of the Role of User Participation in IS Success, Zelalem Bachore and Lina Zhou
Exploring the Effects of a Convergance Intervention on Ideation Artifacts: A Multi-Group Field Study, Victoria R. Badura, Aaron S. Read, Robert O. Briggs, and Gert-Jan de Vreede
A Profit-Maximizing Method for the Partitioning of Embedded Software Features in Motor Vehicles, Oliver Baecker, Harald Weppner, and Jochen Strube
Relational Model-Base Structures: a Hierarchical Application in Precision Agriculture, Elizabeth White Baker and Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson
Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Virtuality on Flexibility of Virtual Teams in Software Development Projects, Sumit Bakshi and S. Krishna
Philosophy of Data (PoD) and its Importance to the Discipline of Information Systems, Brian Ballsun-Stanton and Deborah Bunker
Pilot Implementation of Health Information Systems: Issues and Challenges, Jorgen P. Bansler and Erling C. Havn
Designing Artifacts of IT Strategy for Achieving Business/IT Alignment, Jens Bartenschlager and Matthias Goeken
Structural Analysis and Visualization of Ecosystems: A Study of Mobile Device Platforms, Rahul C. Basole
How to Connect the Americas: An IS/IT Academic Research Plan for Tomorrow, Jack D. Becker
IT/IS Education Pathways: The Road to Increased IS/IT Enrollments, Jack Becker and Marty Thompson
Documentation of Flexible Business Processes - A Healthcare Case Study, Joerg Becker, Katrin Bergener, Oliver Mueller, and Felix Mueller-Wienbergen
eServices in Retail - An Extended Service Blueprinting Approach, Joerg Becker, Daniel Beverungen, Ralf Knackstedt, and Axel Winkelmann
Pattern-Based Model Comparison, Joerg Becker, Patrick Delfmann, Sebastian Herwig, and Lukasz Lis
Toward Process Modeling in Creative Domains, Joerg Becker, Milan Karow, Felix Mueller-Wienbergen, and Stefan Seidel
Shared Services Strategies and Their Determinants: A Multiple Case Study Analysis in the Public Sector, Joerg Becker, Bjoern Niehaves, and Andreas Krause
Developing a Business Process Modeling Language for the Banking Sector – A Design Science Approach, Joerg Becker, Burkhard Weiss, and Axel Winkelman
A Framework for Design Research in the Service Science Discipline, Jörg Becker, Daniel Beverungen, Ralf Knackstedt, Martin Matzner, Oliver Mueller, and Jens Poeppelbuss
The Impact of Data Quality on Value Based Management of Financial Institutions, Jörg Becker, Jens Poeppelbuss, Fabian Gloerfeld, and Peter Bruhns
Universal Design for Learning: A Field Experiment Comparing Specific Classroom Actions, Paul Beckman
Examination of Organizational Information Security Strategy: A Pilot Study, Nicole Lang Beebe and V. Srinivasan Rao
Hitting Interface Specifications - The Role of "Common Ground" in, Wolf Behrmann
The Role of IT/Business Alignment for Achieving SOA Business Value - Proposing a Research Model, Daniel Beimborn, Nils Joachim, Frank Schlosser, and Bjorn Streicher
The Role of Client-internal Social Linkages for Outsourcing Success – An SNA Approach, Daniel Beimborn, Bernhard Moos, Frank Schlosser, and Tim Weitzel
11870.com: Tagging Site or Social Recommendation System?, Raquel Benbunan-Fich
Patterns of Home Computer Usage among College Students: An Exploratory Study, Raquel Benbunan-Fich, Rachel F. Adler, and Tamilla Mavlanova
Brainfiltering: The Missing Link Between PKM and PIM?, Elaiza Aquino Benitez and David Pauleen
Enterprise Social Network Platforms as a Managment Tool in Complex Technical Systems, Stefan Bente and Juergen Karla
Measuring DSS Effectiveness in a Simulated Environment, Tal Ben-Zvi
Simulating Decision Support Systems: A Laboratory Experiment, Tal Ben-Zvi
The Changing Shape of Networks: Lessons for the Auto Industry, Tal Ben-Zvi
A Design Artifact for Distributed Cognition: "Natural Science" Pilot Leads to an Expanded Design Science Program, Nicholas Berente and Richard J. Boland
Benchmarking IT Benefits: Exploring Outcome- and Process-based Approaches, Egon Berghout, Peter Schuurman, and Diderik van Wingerden
Determinants of Business Process Management for Success Project Implementation in Low Income Countries, Getachew Berhan, Solomon Negash, and Donald Amoroso
The Impact of Organizational Culture on IS Implementation Success in Ethiopia: the Case of Selected Public and Private Organizations, Tibebe Besha, Solomon Negash, and Donald L. Amoroso
Understanding Information Security Culture for Strategic Use: A Case Study, Donald Bess
Information Systems as Socio-Technical or Sociomaterial Systems, Paul Beynon-Davies
Factors Influencing Adoption of Open Source Software - An Exploratory Study, Vikram S. Bhadauria, RadhaKanta Mahapatra, and Rashid Manzar
Toward an Integrated Health Information System for Collaborative Decision Making and Resource Sharing: Findings from a Canadian Study, Gokul Bhandari and Bharat Maheshwari
The Marginal Utility of Medical Resources in Clinics with Deterministic Patient Arrivals: A Simulation Study, Kuntal Bhattacharyya, Pratim Datta, Murali Shanker, and Arup Maitra
Towards a Research Agenda on Cultural Influences on the Acceptance of Ambient Intelligence in Medical Environments, Markus Bick, Tyge F. Kummer, and Martina Maletzky
Mashups: An Approach to Overcoming the Business/IT Gap in Service-Oriented Architectures, Stefan Bitzer and Matthias Schumann
Perpetuating Health Care Policy with the Implementation of an Information System, Ian Blackman
Evaluating the Semantic and Representational Consistency of Interconnected Structured and Unstructured Data, Roger H. Blake and Paul Mangiameli
Web 2.0 in SME Networks - A Design Science Approach Considering Multi-Perspective Requirements, Nadine Blinn, Nadine Lindermann, Katrin Faecks, and Markus Nuettgens
Web 2.0 and Organizational Learning: Conceptualizing the Link, Richard Boateng, Ali Malik, and Victor Mbarika
Identification of Business Services Literature Review and Lessons Learned, Rene Boerner and Matthias Goeken
Evaluating the Use of 3D Visualization Technology in Geology Education, Michelle J. Boese; Hong Sheng, Ph.D.; and Mohammed Abdel Salam
The Impact of Transactional and Transformational Leader on Organizational Performance - The Case of Selected Ethiopian Companies, Mangestue Bogale, Donald L. Amoroso, and Solomon Negash
The Moderating Effects of Top Management Competence in Assimilating ICT in Low-Income Countries: The Case of Ethiopia, Mangestue Bogale, Solomon Negash, and Donald L. Amoroso
Educational Technology Gap Theory, Jeffrey A. Bohler, Fred K. Weigel, and Dianne Hall
Overcoming Knowledge Integration Barriers in ERP Implementation Using Action Research Approach, Victor W. Bohorquez Lopez and Jose Esteves
Public Sector Reforms and the Notion of 'Public Value': Implications for eGovernment Deployment, Carla Marisa Bonina and Antonio Cordella
Managing Agile Teams: An Inquiring Systems Perspective, Nancy Bonner
Sociotechnical Changes Brought about by Electronic Medical Record, Nina Boulus
Decisison Useful Financial Reporting Information Characteristics: An Empirical Validation of the Proposed FASB/IASB International Accounting Model, Matthew W. Bovee, Tom L. Roberts, and Rajendra P. Srivastava
Identifying Appropriate Governance Principles for Different Types of Sourcing Arrangement, Mark Bowman