
Jennex (1997) was an exploratory study of the Organizational Memory System (OMS) within an engineering organization. The study found that there was a OMS, that the OMS was effective, that it was used, and that it improved organizational effectiveness. Jennex, et. al. (1998) used an adaptation of DeLone and McLean’s (1992) IS Success Model to explain why the OMS was successful. One factor leading to IS success is use of the system. The IS Success Model has two components to system usage, current use and user satisfaction User satisfaction is used to predict the continued use of a system. However, user satisfaction does not take into account the environmental factors that affect OMS usage. User satisfaction was modified to include perceived benefit to predict future use and user satisfaction as the components of the use factor. Perceived use was evaluated using an adaptation of Thompson Higgins, and Howell’s (1991) worker perceptions instrument. This instrument evaluated the user’s perceptions of several environmental factors affecting their use of the OMS: cultural support for using the OMS, complexity of the OMS, near term job fit, and long term job fit. The instrument predicted that the OMS would continue to be used. This paper discusses how perceived benefit can be used to evaluate the environment in which a knowledge management system (KMS) is being implemented to determine if that environment supports use of the KMS.
