
Jennex (1997) identified a correlation between improved organizational effectiveness and an improved Organizational Memory System (OMS). Jennex, et. al. (1998) proposed modifications to DeLone and McLean’s IS Success Model with respect to evaluating an OMS. In particular it identified the form and type of the OMS as crucial to evaluating the system quality factor for determining IS success. This study originally intended to explore OMS effectiveness with respect to new members and to the use of knowledge management (KM) for getting information into the OMS. In the process evidence was found suggesting a relationship between KM, organizational memory (OM), and organizational effectiveness; and a further expansion to DeLone and McLean’s IS Success Model. Ultimately, these findings do not support the conclusion that a OMS that relies more on the computer based form of OM will be a more effective OMS. The relationships between KM, OM, and OMS effectiveness; and the factor of information quality in DeLone and McLean’s IS Success model are used to explain this finding. The findings suggest that what ultimately affects the effectiveness of OM is the linkages to knowledge that are kept in the OMS.
