
Cross-border electronic commerce (CBEC) has emerged as an innovative business model that transforms consumer behaviour and mindsets, in the era of digitalization and globalization. Buyer situations in CBEC are complex due to the separation of global sellers and buyers in terms of geographic distance, language and cultural differences, and buyer preferences. However, few studies have explored buyers’ shopping decisions from a situational perspective. Drawing on the stimulus–organism–response framework, this study conceptualizes a CBEC buyer shopping model that theorizes four psychological situational factors (i.e., CBEC platform design, user–platform interaction, logistics evaluation, and task orientation) as stimuli, cognitive and affective states as organisms, and shopping intention as a response. The model was empirically tested using 241 data through structural equation modelling. The results indicate that all situational factors positively affect two evaluative states, which in turn positively affect shopping intention. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
