
The research aims to assess the sustainment of multiple ecosystems with viable and adaptable models. We propose an Information System (IS) modelling approach and examine the sustainment between ecosystems through connectable multidimensional IS artefacts. For example, humans survive in healthy and hassle-free environments for long-term economic benefits. We conceptualize human, healthcare, and environmental ecosystems are connectable, and the interconnectivity depends on how the ecologies are supportive together and with each other. The ecosystems emerge and grow with data heterogeneity challenges, which can disorganize ecological connectivity, impeding the implementation of resilient digital ecosystems. The development of multidimensional repositories is added motivation to explore connectivity, for which Attribute Journey Mapping and Modelling (AJMM) method is sought. Map views are computed to successfully interpret and establish connectivity, including coherency between attributes of multiple digital ecosystems. Besides, Big Data has changed the ecological research direction with which the coexistence between human-healthcare-environment ecosystems is assessed.
