
There is now a far greater level of heterogeneity in the university cohort in age, experience and cultural and socio-economic backgrounds than in the past. This means that assumptions about the equality of student knowledge and ability that may still exist could be causing difficulties for female and male students who are not school leavers or native English speakers. The issues faced by mature-age, international, and low socio-economic background female and male students are diverse and the potential strategies to assist in retaining current students and attracting future students are varied. Therefore, the strategies employed must address as many of these issues as possible in a comprehensive approach. The strategies suggested in the program proposed here are expected to achieve this end by providing multiple pathways in the first year of an ICT degree to address varying levels of experience and knowledge. This will be combined with social activities and a hub for student services provided by an ICT club intended to be a friendly and welcoming space for minority students whether that is by gender and/or cultural, language or economic background.
