
In the tourism industry, many travel agencies have started to use social media to promote their products and reach target customers, and Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms. However, these agencies are still seeking the most suitable marketing strategies on the Facebook fanpages, and there are also some doubt regarding the effectiveness of such tools. Therefore, this research starts from the gender perspective to study what types of advertising posts in Facebook fanpages are suitable given the target tourism products. We collaborated with one leading travel agency in Taiwan to conduct this research. The results of this research show that male prefer fanpage posts that contain rational advertisement appeals while female prefer the posts that contain emotional advertisement appeals. Moreover, male prefer the posts of tourism products that focus on sensation-seeking attractions while female prefer those that focus on sensation-avoiding attractions. We further find that the posts that have better fit between advertisement appeals and tourism products based on gender preferences can have better performance in terms of greater numbers of comments, likes, and shares.
