We developed a software tool named GovernIT to support the creation and evolution of computer-driven Information Technology (IT) governance models. This software automates the design of decision-making grants to coordinate interactions among IT units. It also allows the assessment of business drivers and IT risks to automate the generation of implementation roadmaps for decision-support mechanisms. The software has been used by students of an IT Governance Course to assess undesirable IT behaviors for 21 organizations, to design their target IT governance model, and to generate their IT process implementation roadmap. The results of this implementation evidences the positive impact of dynamic governance models on IT risks and efficiency.
Paper Type
GovernIT: A Software for Decision-making Support on Automated IT Governance Models
We developed a software tool named GovernIT to support the creation and evolution of computer-driven Information Technology (IT) governance models. This software automates the design of decision-making grants to coordinate interactions among IT units. It also allows the assessment of business drivers and IT risks to automate the generation of implementation roadmaps for decision-support mechanisms. The software has been used by students of an IT Governance Course to assess undesirable IT behaviors for 21 organizations, to design their target IT governance model, and to generate their IT process implementation roadmap. The results of this implementation evidences the positive impact of dynamic governance models on IT risks and efficiency.
Recommended Citation
González-Rojas, O. & Lesmes, S. (2017). GovernIT: A Software for Decision-making Support on Automated IT Governance Models. In Paspallis, N., Raspopoulos, M. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Advances in Methods, Tools and Management (ISD2017 Proceedings). Larnaca, Cyprus: University of Central Lancashire Cyprus. ISBN: 978-9963-2288-3-6. http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings2017/Education/4.