
This paper proposes a methodical approach for data model comparisons based on the graph theory. The proposed new approach is a Graphical Model Comparison Algorithm (GMCA) which includes a procedure, methods and an algorithm that can be used for comparing two data models for similarities. The comparison is based on the structural similarity of graphs representing data models that contain some semantically similar data objects.

Recommended Citation

Tomičić-Pupek, K. & Strahonja, V. (2014). A Novel Method for the Comparison of Graphical Data Models. In V. Strahonja, N. Vrček., D. Plantak Vukovac, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Transforming Organisations and Society through Information Systems (ISD2014 Proceedings). Varaždin, Croatia: Faculty of Organization and Informatics. ISBN: 978-953-6071-43-2. http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings/MDDChallenges/3.

Paper Type




A Novel Method for the Comparison of Graphical Data Models

This paper proposes a methodical approach for data model comparisons based on the graph theory. The proposed new approach is a Graphical Model Comparison Algorithm (GMCA) which includes a procedure, methods and an algorithm that can be used for comparing two data models for similarities. The comparison is based on the structural similarity of graphs representing data models that contain some semantically similar data objects.