Requirements engineering is a key activity on any software development project. In Software Product Line development, this activity is even more important since requirements may encompass commonality and variability. Furthermore, a requirement specification usually is composed by more than one model. In this context it is necessary to specify the requirements variability in the different models of a Software Product Line requirements specification. In order to solve this issue, this paper proposes a multimodel approach for specifying the requirements for the products of a Software Product Line. This multimodel is used in a model-driven development process in order to obtain the requirements of a single product by applying model transformations. This solution increases the flexibility allowing developers to add more views depending on the domain and to obtain the product requirements by using model-transformations, whereas improves the productivity. The feasibility of the approach is illustrated through a running example.
Paper Type
A Multimodel Approach for Specifying the Requirements Variability on Software Product Lines
Requirements engineering is a key activity on any software development project. In Software Product Line development, this activity is even more important since requirements may encompass commonality and variability. Furthermore, a requirement specification usually is composed by more than one model. In this context it is necessary to specify the requirements variability in the different models of a Software Product Line requirements specification. In order to solve this issue, this paper proposes a multimodel approach for specifying the requirements for the products of a Software Product Line. This multimodel is used in a model-driven development process in order to obtain the requirements of a single product by applying model transformations. This solution increases the flexibility allowing developers to add more views depending on the domain and to obtain the product requirements by using model-transformations, whereas improves the productivity. The feasibility of the approach is illustrated through a running example.
Recommended Citation
Blanes, D., González-Huerta, J., & Insfran, E. (2014). A Multimodel Approach for Specifying the Requirements Variability on Software Product Lines. In V. Strahonja, N. Vrček., D. Plantak Vukovac, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Transforming Organisations and Society through Information Systems (ISD2014 Proceedings). Varaždin, Croatia: Faculty of Organization and Informatics. ISBN: 978-953-6071-43-2. http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings/MDDChallenges/2.