During 1999, SAP formalised their University Comp etence Centre (UCC) program, whereby selected, experienced universities around the world will receive several million dollars of computer hardware, software and support from SAP and hardware partners to establish showcase service bureaus in support of ERP-related teaching and research. Through the program, university activity with SAP products will to a large extent shift from in-house installations to the UCCs. Member university staff and students will have Internet access to the most recent versions of SAP’s software including New Dimension products (e.g. Business Warehouse, Knowledge Warehouse, Customer Relationship Management, etc.). While the program suggests compelling potential for cooperation across member universities and globalisation of related curricula, it also implies substantial commitment and increasing SAP control over UCC and member activ ities and resources. Application Service Provision, Education- by-wire, Industry-University Collaboration, and virtual competence centres for knowledge management/content generation are all manifested in the UCC project. These consequences and implications of participation in the UCC program for member universities, non-members and students will be explored by this panel.
Recommended Citation
Markus, M. Lynne; Cable, Guy G.; Scott, Judy; Vessey, Iris; and Gronwald, Klaus-Dieter, "University Collaboration and ERP Competence Centres - A Golden Era or Golden Handcuffs?" (2000). ECIS 2000 Proceedings. 35.