
ICT has become ubiquitous in the classroom. This paper seeks a way to reveal ‘Down-to-Earth’ (DTE) issues meaningful to those using ICT in the classroom. DTE issues are those that are directly meaningful to users, which affect the quality of ICT use, unfortunately, the literature tends, to focus on issues of interest to management, IT suppliers and policy makers rather than users. This research explores a way to reveal the diversity of Down-to-Earth issues, uncover hidden issues, and reveal values teachers hold. An empirical study was carried out of twenty teachers from three primary schools by open interview. The data collected was analysed using Dooyeweerd’s aspects based on his philosophy of everyday life. The study shows that literature is a poor guide to which issues are meaningful, and that theories would benefit from taking Down-to-Earth issues into account. It recommends the use of aspectual analysis in policy-making and ICT design.
