Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems
Some Sources of the Unity in Plurality of Scandinavian Research on Information Systems Development
Richard J. Boland Jr.
The Internet Factor
Kristin Braa and Carsten Sorensen
Multimedia: interdisciplinary challenges to design
Susanne Bødker and Kaj Grftnbrek
Mobile Informatics
Bo Dahlbom and Fredrik Ljungberg
The Design Challenge
Pelle Ehn and Lone Malmborg
The Art and Craft of Hacking
Gisle Hannemyr
Reflections on Reflective Systems Development
Juhani Iivari
Commentary on "Research on Information Systems Development in Scandinavia: Unity in Plurality"
John Leslie King
Reflective Systems Development
Lars Mathiassen
Living with technology
Eric Monteiro
Work. Computers. Design.
Frieder Nake
Research Challenges in Electronic Commerce
Timo Saarinen and Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen