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Pattern recognition, computer vision, tree identification


The electrical distribution is a critical activity since many people depend of this service. Faults in the distribution system occur from several factors that can damage the system and therefore interrupt the supply of energy. Among the various factors that may cause problems this work proposes a automatic detection of trees near or even in the distribution network. In order to avoid that the trees to force or even rupture of the distribution cables, are made the pruning of the trees that have some kind of risk to the network. However, this activity is usually manual and teams must sift through all the network for problems. The main objective of this work is to propose a process, based on computer vision, which allows the automated identification of nearby trees or under the power distribution network from aerial images provided by Google Earth.


This paper is in Portuguese (Reconhecimento de árvores usando visão computacional para prevenir interrupções no sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica)
