
The electric mobility sector – an important pillar for counteracting climate change – is facing a sluggish market development. In this paper, we present a new dynamic battery-leasing business model that can play a key role in promoting the market introduction of electric mobility. Unlike medium- to long-term approaches for creating additional value from electric vehicles (e.g., demand response or vehicle-to-grid), the business model we propose can be applied in the short run as all necessary prerequisites are already fulfilled. To demonstrate, we proceed in two major steps. First, we design the digital technology–enabled business model that breaks with current business logics by actively involving users in the value generation process. The concept contributes to reducing battery degradation effects and thus increases the residual value of the batteries. Second, we test the underlying hypothesis of our business model – the user’s willingness to follow a certain charging guideline in order to extend battery lifetime – using a comprehensive conjoint analysis. Thus, our research demonstrates how information systems can be used to encourage green choices by consumers.
