
The use of electronic marketplaces contrary to expectations still remains marginal in the ‘Francophone’ business landscape. Despite convincing arguments discussed in the scholarly, professional and trade literature, the credibility of marketplaces is constantly undermined in practice as they have to incessantly fend off rumours about bankruptcy in France and elsewhere. Moreover, the term ‘marketplace’ can cover a multitude of business relationships and it is currently difficult to compare offers and distinguish across a range of services. The purpose of this paper is therefore to put forward a typology by identifying, analysing and classifying the Francophone marketplaces, i.e. 225 marketplaces, in the fall of 2007. The proposed typology enables us to (1) highlight their diversity and the types of economic models that underpin their value chain (2) observe that the majority neglects certain high-added value services for which demand is great, and favours services which are hardly cost-effective and for which supply is much higher than demand, and (3) anticipate future evolutions by examining the strategic moves that a minority of them are already making.
