Journal of Information Technology
Research Articles
Digital assemblages, information infrastructures, and mobile knowledge work
Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, Steve Sawyer, and Ingrid Erickson
Steps toward a digital ecology: ecological principles for the study of digital ecosystems
Attila Márton
Improving the governance of information technology: Insights from the history of Internet governance
Neena Pandey, Rahul Dé, and MN Ravishankar
Statistical significance versus practical importance in information systems research
Ananya Sen and Claire Van Note
Reflections on statistical significance and practical importance in information systems research
Andrew Burton-Jones
Conflating relevance with practical significance and other issues: Commentary on Sen, Smith, and Van Note’s “statistical significance versus practical importance in information systems research”
Kaveh Mohajeri, Mostafa Mesgari, and Allen S Lee
Selecting on statistical significance and practical importance is wrong
Blakeley B. McShane and Andrew Gelman
Discuss practical importance of results based on interval estimates and p-value functions, not only on point estimates and null p-values
Valentin Amrhein and Sander Greenland