Journal of Information Technology
Research Articles
Enterprise Systems Projects: The Role of Liminal Space in Enterprise Systems Implementation
Erica L Wagner, Sue Newell, and William Kay
A Historical Review of the Information Technology and Business Process Captive Centre Sector
Ilan Oshri and Bob van Uhm
Internet Censorship Circumvention Technology Use in Human Rights Organizations: An Exploratory Analysis
Carleen F Maitland, Herschel F Thomas (Trey), and Louis-Marie Ngamassi Tchouakeu
Studying Cyborgs: Re-Examining Internet Studies as Human Subjects Research
Ulrike Schultze and Richard O Mason
IS Research Stakeholders and Cyborgs: An Opportunity to Revisit the Normative IS Agenda
Nancy Pouloudi
The Privacy Rights of Cyborgs
Robert M Davison
ICT for Development: Solutions Seeking Problems?
Anindya Chaudhuri
Jeffrey James