Journal of Information Technology
Research Articles
Seizing the Opportunity: Towards a Historiography of Information Systems
Nathalie Mitev and François-Xavier De Vaujany
The Design Construct in Information Systems Design Science
Judy McKay, Peter Marshall, and Rudy Hirschheim
Knowledge Management Governance: The Road to Continuous Benefits Realization
Suzanne Zyngier and Frada Burstein
An Empirical Examination of Antecedents and Consequences of IT Governance in US Hospitals
Randy V Bradley, Terry Anthony Byrd, Jeannie L Pridmore, Evelyn Thrasher, Renee ME Pratt, and Victor WA Mbarika
Are We Making a Better World with Icts? Reflections on a Future Agenda for the IS Field
Geoff Walsham
Making Better Choices: A Response to Walsham
Richard Baskerville
The Future of the Information Systems Discipline: A Response to Walsham
Salvatore T. March and Fred Niederman
Making a World of a Difference
Robert M Davison
IS and Its Agenda
Alison Adam
From Espoused Values to Action: A Commentary on ‘Are We Making a Better World with ICTs?’
David Avison
In Need of Narratives of IS
Chris Westrup