
The paper reviews the ten years of research on Information Systems gamification, investigating the changes in the overall interest in the topic, checking its geographic spread, classifying the published research with regard to its character and scope, and analysing the feedback of research community it has caused. The obtained results are discussed in the context of the research agenda proposed in 2013, pointing to advances made and research directions which are still valid in 2022. The relevant publications were searched for in two large bibliographic databases (Scopus and Web of Science).

Recommended Citation

Swacha, J. (2022). Gamification of Information Systems: Ten Years of Research. In R. A. Buchmann, G. C. Silaghi, D. Bufnea, V. Niculescu, G. Czibula, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Artificial Intelligence for Information Systems Development and Operations (ISD2022 Proceedings). Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Risoprint. ISBN: 978-973-53-2917-4. https://doi.org/10.62036/ISD.2022.18

Paper Type

Full Paper





Gamification of Information Systems: Ten Years of Research

The paper reviews the ten years of research on Information Systems gamification, investigating the changes in the overall interest in the topic, checking its geographic spread, classifying the published research with regard to its character and scope, and analysing the feedback of research community it has caused. The obtained results are discussed in the context of the research agenda proposed in 2013, pointing to advances made and research directions which are still valid in 2022. The relevant publications were searched for in two large bibliographic databases (Scopus and Web of Science).