
The use of social media and networking has become a significant community development tool to reach out to a wide audience, share information in real-time, improve communications, and build relationships. In this research, we aim to demonstrate how social media analytics provide a valuable set of techniques for deriving community development information from social media. We examine and provide an inside look at the activities and structure of a local community - Brooklyn Tech Triangle based on the data collected from Twitter on the key advocates of Brooklyn Tech Triangle. Our preliminary analysis shows that Tech Triangle community development practitioners use social media to promote the fundamental tenets of the community and communicate their initiatives. In addition, they keep leadership roles in connecting the community and some value-added influencers have very important influence on the transfer of information through the social network.

Recommended Citation

Ghriga, M., Shang, R., & Shurriah, R. (2016). Tracking Community Development from Social Media. In J. Gołuchowski, M. Pańkowska, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Complexity in Information Systems Development (ISD2016 Proceedings). Katowice, Poland: University of Economics in Katowice. ISBN: 978-83-7875-307-0. http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings2016/CogScience/9.

Paper Type




Tracking Community Development from Social Media

The use of social media and networking has become a significant community development tool to reach out to a wide audience, share information in real-time, improve communications, and build relationships. In this research, we aim to demonstrate how social media analytics provide a valuable set of techniques for deriving community development information from social media. We examine and provide an inside look at the activities and structure of a local community - Brooklyn Tech Triangle based on the data collected from Twitter on the key advocates of Brooklyn Tech Triangle. Our preliminary analysis shows that Tech Triangle community development practitioners use social media to promote the fundamental tenets of the community and communicate their initiatives. In addition, they keep leadership roles in connecting the community and some value-added influencers have very important influence on the transfer of information through the social network.