
Since the introduction of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies have been widely adopted in several domain areas. The current studies regarding this technology highlight the promising benefit in the disruption of the functioning of the whole business models. However, many technical challenges are threatening the full introduction of this technology to the organizations. One of the biggest weaknesses of blockchain technology is that it consumes more energy than any decentralized system. Proof of Work (PoW) is always pointed to be a “waste” energy consensus protocol and thus makes some blockchain platforms unsustainable. However, just because a blockchain consumes energy does not make it unsustainable. Indeed, in the context of supply chain management (SCM), blockchain can improve traceability and product tracking through information sharing, enhance transparency in processes, and ultimately contribute to sustainability of the supply chain. Blockchain has the potential to improve the current systems and infrastructures and make them sustainable.

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