

Event Website


Start Date

3-1-2023 12:00 AM

End Date

7-1-2023 12:00 AM


Modern trends in digital agriculture have seen a shift towards artificial intelligence for crop quality assessment and yield estimation. In this work, we document how a parameter tuned single-shot object detection algorithm can be used to identify and count sorghum heads from aerial drone images. Our approach involves a novel exploratory analysis that identified key structural elements of the sorghum images and motivated the selection of parameter-tuned anchor boxes that contributed significantly to performance. These insights led to the development of a deep learning model that outperformed the baseline model and achieved an out-of-sample mean average precision of 0.95.


Jan 3rd, 12:00 AM Jan 7th, 12:00 AM

Image-Based Sorghum Head Counting When You Only Look Once


Modern trends in digital agriculture have seen a shift towards artificial intelligence for crop quality assessment and yield estimation. In this work, we document how a parameter tuned single-shot object detection algorithm can be used to identify and count sorghum heads from aerial drone images. Our approach involves a novel exploratory analysis that identified key structural elements of the sorghum images and motivated the selection of parameter-tuned anchor boxes that contributed significantly to performance. These insights led to the development of a deep learning model that outperformed the baseline model and achieved an out-of-sample mean average precision of 0.95.
