
In this paper we align business with IT in a networked setting while introducing innovative e-customs procedures worldwide. We perform the alignment process in a multi-perspective way, guided by concerns of upscale. Scalability is mostly a technical concept and concern. As we show, however, scaling issues are often initiated by business, e.g. by the increase the number of consumers, or by the extension of network of suppliers who use each other core competencies to satisfy a complex, IT intensive consumer need. As a result, it is essential to translate and fit business-driven requirements with system capabilities already during the design phase of such worldwide enrolment of e-customs procedures, otherwise long-term sustainability of the proposed initiative is violated. In addition, understanding financial and technical consequences of upscale for stakeholders is of an importance, too. In this paper we use our aforementioned case study and propose a model-based approach using e3value and UML modelling techniques to support the alignment process.
